Were any of you guys present for the announcement when you were DF'ed?
I was and the elder who was about to announce it flinched when he saw me sitting down at the meeting.
i was watching a jw video where the announcement was made of a young lady's being disfellowshiped, and it happened in a regular kh sunday meeting.
this struck me as being a bit...cold.
is this when the shunning begins?
Were any of you guys present for the announcement when you were DF'ed?
I was and the elder who was about to announce it flinched when he saw me sitting down at the meeting.
what's is the goal of this religion?.
i mean, if it's for money they could do a lot more like other religions do: tithing, paying for prayers from the gb, selling "miracles", selling "blessed" items, selling courses.. if its for power then what are they hoping to do with that power?
they dont seem to do anything.
Their goal, until recently, was to perpetuate their numbers and grow. You can consider it the equivalent of a nation state conquering other nations or a corporation buying other businesses in order to 'grow'. In one word, expansion.
Power over others yes, but what I mentioned is a form of power.
They offer nothing of any value to humanity. At least the Catholic and Adventist churches run hospitals and other charities.
Now wealth has been added to the equation.
you found out about ttatt way back in the 70's or maybe the 80's (basically before the internet) and you thought that you were all alone in this knowledge?
what do you think would have happened to you?
no jehovahs-witness.com, no john cedars, no arc, no jwfacts.com and no crisis of conscience to fall back on.
Crisis of Conscience did come out in the 1980s. When I was disfellowshipped in 1980 I became part of a "phone tree" of former JWs. That phone tree included notables such as James Penton; Richard Rawee; Randall Watters and Raymond Franz himself. Even with primitive technology I was never isolated.
I did go to Christian book stores to read anti-JW books but they didn't satisfy me. I also managed to find an exJW by the name of Edmond Gruss author of Apostles of Denial who had a complete, and I mean complete library of everything the Watchtower had printed since its inception. He graciously allowed me to visit his library were I saw and read the really old $h!t.
i turned in my letter of disassociation on september 18, 2001 but it was 9/11 that showed me what the witnesses really feel about human lives and the future wished for.. i was in limbo after my wife of 27 years left me on july 30, 2001. she knew i wasn't buying the jw program anymore.
she told me she come back to me when "i got my head straighten out about god and the church".. so for 40 days i was in limbo.
i stopped going to meetings.
And of course, JWs don't quite understand their doctrines. The Great Tribulation is supposed to start after "false religion" gets destroyed by the UN. After that JWs are supposed to get persecuted; then Armageddon where God starts destroying others in earnest. So if they think that 9/11 is Armageddon then why are the first two events being shortcutted?
i have just read an interesting article by astrobiologist jacob haq-misra.. in this article he describes a process called "directed panspermia" as a plausible way that one form of intelligent design - one not related with religious driven agendas involving theism - could be involved in the process by which life developed on earth and possibly in other planets as well.. sounds like a speculation that's worth entertaining.
your thoughts?.
In this article he describes a process called "Directed Panspermia" as a plausible way that one form of intelligent design
Why should such a roundabout way of creating life be considered intelligent? Besides, the most critical problem with the subject of panspermia is the fact that life must have originated at some point in a 'conventional' manner on the surface of a planet.
one hundred years have passed and the society still supports this lie, which of course, is the basis of their other lies, like that of the unfaithful and not discreet slave appointed in 1919. however, i wonder, what will happen after 50 years, when the overlapped generation will pass?.
and if you want, what will happen with this religion in 2100?, could it survive with the same lie??
stan livedeath,;
oh--thats good to know. so jesus is now ruling over a new earth. cool.
If World War I was the inauguration of Jesus' kingdom then I'd hate to see what the Millennium is like.
this should be titled "jerks for jesus afraid of their own shadow, sexuality".
seriously, someone thinks that a video on how to be nice to people different from him is an affront to his god.
I wonder what he would do if he was required to watch a video on treating Hindus and Buddhists respectfully. They are going to hell are they not?
i thought, ok the case in australia would open the eyes of the world about this dangerous cult.. well that passed without a ripple.
we talk about the un and the wt link, none jw's don't.
understand the significance.
What kind of reception would you expect the world to have of JWs in a world rocked by ISIS? They make the JWs look trivial by comparison. By being trivial they are not worth noting by the world.
one hundred years have passed and the society still supports this lie, which of course, is the basis of their other lies, like that of the unfaithful and not discreet slave appointed in 1919. however, i wonder, what will happen after 50 years, when the overlapped generation will pass?.
and if you want, what will happen with this religion in 2100?, could it survive with the same lie??
Before they came out with this overlapping generation nonsense I assumed that they would simply let the generation part of the 1914 doctrine to die a quiet death. Kind of like they did with 1975.
I know they won't get rid of 1914 in its entirety, instead they might just emphasize the natural catastrophes and world wars so they can claim to have predicted them. 1914 is simply too much a part of their core narrative. It's either they're a collective prophet or they're nothing at all. 1914 was supposed to have granted them legitimacy setting them apart as God's amazing crystal ball gazing people.
one hundred years have passed and the society still supports this lie, which of course, is the basis of their other lies, like that of the unfaithful and not discreet slave appointed in 1919. however, i wonder, what will happen after 50 years, when the overlapped generation will pass?.
and if you want, what will happen with this religion in 2100?, could it survive with the same lie??
Double post.